Manual v1.2
This manual and the EasyGTK library are (C) 1999 Patrick
Lambert and are available under the LGPL
I made EasyGTK because I realized that my GTK programming was mostly cut
and paste of older functions I had made.
EasyGTK has 2 goals. First to make learning quicker and easier, to provide
GTK programming to more people, and second to enable programmers to write
code in fewer lines. A typical EasyGTK function will do what 5 or even
10 lines of GTK code would do.
EasyGTK is a Unix C library and is provided as source code. To compile
it, you need a Linux or Unix box with the GNU C compiler, GNU make and
GTK 1.2 installed.
You can download EasyGTK from one of these locations:
Before compiling, you need to run the configure script. This will
try to find if your system has the required libraries. If you have IMLIB,
then the right compilation options will be added to the Makefile. If you
don't need image support, I suggest you compile without the graphical
libraries: configure -Magick -Imlib.
Note that this version now comes with support for GNOME, which will be
included in the compile if it is detected. This also means you have to add
the GNOME libraries in your own program if you use EasyGTK with support for
the GNOME system. To compile without that support, add -gnome to the
configure line.
Once the configure step is done, type make to compile EasyGTK.
If this fails, you may need to edit the Makefile yourself.
Compiling programs using EasyGTK
To compile a program with EasyGTK you simply need to compile it like you
would with normal GTK libraries, plus the EasyGTK static library. Here
is an example, if EasyGTK was compiled without any extra library:
gcc `gtk-config --cflags` -o myprogram myprogram.c `gtk-config --libs`
Note that you also need to include the IMLIB or ImageMagick libraries
if you compiled EasyGTK with the default settings:
gcc `gtk-config --cflags` -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11/magick -I/usr/local/include/magick
-o myprogram myprogram.c `gtk-config --libs` -lgdk_imlib `imlib-config
--libs` -I/usr/include/glib libeasygtk.a -L/usr/local/lib -lMagick -ltiff
Some basic concepts
A widget is any graphical element. You need to first create a window, on
which you attach a vertical or horizontal box. Then you attach other widgets
to the box. The variables 'parent' are always supposed to be boxes. Boxes
can be attached to other boxes to create complex placement.
GtkWidget *e_window_create(gchar *title, gint size_x, gint size_y, gint
position_x, gint position_y, GtkSignalFunc window_destroy);
This function allows you to create a new window. The window_destroy argument
must be a function name that you create in your application and that will
be called when the user closes that window.
void e_set_size(GtkWidget *widget, gint size_x, gint size_y);
This function will set the size of a widget.
GtkWidget *e_box_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint placement, gint border);
This will create a box. Boxes are used to put widgets in. The parent must
be an other box or a window. The placement must be E_VERTICAL for a vertical
box or E_HORIZONTAL for an horizontal box. The border argument specifies
how many pixels should be betwen the window borders and the widgets in
the box.
void e_box_add(GtkWidget *parent, GtkWidget *widget, gint placement, gint
This function will pack any widget into a box. The placement must be E_LEFT
for normal placement or E_RIGHT to justify the widget on the right. The fill
argument must be TRUE if you want the widget to expand to the window, or
FALSE if you want a small, fixed widget.
GtkWidget *e_box_fixed(GtkWidget *parent, gint placement, gint border);
This will create a fixed box. Boxes are used to put widgets in. The parent
must be an other box or a window. The placement must be E_VERTICAL for
a vertical box or E_HORIZONTAL for an horizontal box. The border argument
specifies how many pixels should be betwen the window borders and the widgets
in the box.
GtkWidget *e_text_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint editable, gchar *initial_text,
GtkSignalFunc text_changed);
This will create a text area where text can be inserted. If editable is
TRUE then the user will be able to insert text in the area. The text_changed
function will be called when the user inserts something. Note that for
any signal functions you can put E_NO_FUNC if you don't wish to handle
that event.
void e_text_insert(GtkWidget *textarea, gchar *text);
This will insert text into a textarea.
void e_text_insert_file(GtkWidget *textarea, gchar *filename);
Inserts filename's content into textarea.
gint e_text_find(GtkWidget *textarea, gchar *string);
This function will find the position of string in the textarea, focus on
it, and return the position number.
gchar *e_text_get(GtkWidget *textarea);
This will return whatever text is in the textarea.
void e_text_delete(GtkWidget *textarea);
This will delete all of the text in the textarea.
GtkWidget *e_label_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *text);
This will create a label with the specified text in it.
GtkWidget *e_entry_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *initial_text);
This will create an entry box where user can put a line of text in.
gchar *e_entry_get(GtkWidget *entry);
This will return the text which was entered by the user.
GtkWidget *e_button_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *text, GtkSignalFunc
This will create a button. When the user clicks on it, the function in
the argument button_click will be called.
GtkWidget *e_button_fixed(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *text, GtkSignalFunc
This will create a non resizable button. When the window grows, the button
will stay the same size.
GtkWidget *e_combo_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *initial_text, gchar
*combo_list[], gint num, GtkSignalFunc item_selected);
This will create a combo box, which is a drop down list of items, with
the items in combo_list. combo_list must contain num items. The function
in item_selected will be called when the user selects an item.
gchar *e_combo_get(GtkWidget *combo);
This returns the item selected.
GtkWidget *e_list_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint cols, GtkSignalFunc item_selected);
This iwll create a list with a number of columns specified in cols.
void e_list_setup(GtkWidget *list, gint col, gchar *title, gint width);
This will setup the column specified in col, setting the title and the
width for that column.
gchar *e_list_get();
This will return the selected line.
void e_list_remove(GtkWidget *list);
This will remove the selected row
void e_list_insert(GtkWidget *list, gchar *text[]);
This will insert text into the list. Note that the array must have the
same size as the number of columns in the list.
GtkWidget *e_buttonbox_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint orientation, gchar
*button1_text, gchar *button2_text, GtkSignalFunc button1_click, GtkSignalFunc
This will create a box with 2 buttons in it. The orientation should be
GtkWidget *e_buttonbox_unlim(GtkWidget *parent, gint orientation, guint
num_buttons, ...);
This will create a box with num_buttons in it. ... parameters are as follows:
button1_text, button1_click, button2_text, button2_click, buttonN_text,
buttonN_click, ...
For example: e_buttonbox_unlim(parent, E_SPREAD, 3, "Yes", E_NO_FUNC,
"No", E_NO_FUNC, "Cancel", E_NO_FUNC);
GSList *e_radiobuttons_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *items[], gint num);
This function will create a set of radiobuttons. The items argument should
be an array of what must go in the radiobuttons, and num the number of
radiobuttons. Note that due to how this is currently implemented, you should
only use one set of radiobuttons at a time.
gint e_radiobuttons_get();
This will return the last radiobutton selected.
void e_radiobuttons_setdefault(gint choice);
This will set the default radiobutton.
GtkWidget *e_checkbutton_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *text, gint default_state,
GtkSignalFunc button_checked);
This will create a checkbutton with text on it. It will be checked by default
if default_state is TRUE. button_checked will be called when the user clicks
on it.
gint e_checkbutton_get(GtkWidget *checkbutton);
This will return the state of the checkbutton.
GtkWidget *e_notebook_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint placement);
This will create an empty notebook with the labels at placement. The placement
argument must be E_TOP, E_BOTTOM, E_LEFT or E_RIGHT.
GtkWidget *e_notebook_new_page(GtkWidget *notebook, gchar *title, gchar
This will make a new page. You can then add other widgets to it.
GtkWidget *e_show_message(gchar *title, gchar *message, GtkSignalFunc window_destroy);
This function will show a message in a box on the screen.
GtkWidget *e_show_textbox(gchar *title, gchar *initext, GtkSignalFunc window_close);
This function will show a text in a textbox, with a close button.
GtkWidget *e_browse_create(gchar *title, GtkSignalFunc ok_clicked, GtkSignalFunc
This will show a browse window where the user can select a file. If the
user closes the window or clicks on cancel, cancel_clicked will be called.
gchar *e_browse_get(GtkWidget *browse);
This will get the selected filename from a browse window.
GtkWidget *e_font_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *title, GtkSignalFunc
ok_clicked, GtkSignalFunc cancel_clicked);
This will create a font selection window. The user can then select a font.
gchar *e_font_get(GtkWidget *fs);
This will return the selected font from the font window fs.
GtkWidget *e_scrolled_create(GtkWidget *parent);
This will create a scrolled window where you can add other widgets.
GtkWidget *e_toolbar_create(GtkWidget *parent, int orientation);
This will make a new toolbar and add it to parent. The orientation must
void e_toolbar_insert(GtkWidget *toolbar, gchar *name, gchar *description,
GtkWidget *icon, GtkSignalFunc button_clicked);
This will add a new button on the toolbar, with name, description and icon.
If you don't want one of those 3 items, use NULL. The icon can be made
with e_icon_create or e_pixmap_create. When the button is clicked, button_clicked's function
will be called.
GtkWidget *e_image_create(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *filename);
With this function you can show an image on parent. The image can be
anything that imlib supports, including xpm, jpeg, gif and png.
GtkWidget *e_image_scaled(GtkWidget *parent, gchar *filename, gint size_x,
gint size_y);
With this function you can show an image on parent. The image will be
scaled down to size_x and size_y, and can be anything that imlib supports,
including xpm, jpeg, gif and png.
GdkWindow *e_image_window(gchar *filename);
This function will create a window with the image in filename in it.
The window will be resized to fit the image. The image can be anything
that imlib supports, including xpm, jpeg, gif and png.
GdkImlibImage *e_image_get();
This function returns image data from the last loaded image to use with
advanced imlib functions.
GtkWidget *e_menu_create(GtkWidget *parent);
This will create a new menu bar. It will be attached to parent.
GtkWidget *e_menu_insert_menu(GtkWidget *menubar, gchar *name, gint justify);
This will make a new menu on the menu bar, with the name in variable name.
The justify variable should be E_LEFT for a normal menu, or E_RIGHT for
a menu in the far right.
GtkWidget *e_menu_insert_item(GtkWidget *menu, gchar *name, GtkSignalFunc
This will make a new entry in menu called name.
GtkWidget *e_menu_insert_line(GtkWidget *menu);
This function inserts a blank line in a menu.
GtkWidget *e_icon_create(GtkWidget *window, gchar *filename);
This will create an icon out of an xpm file.
gchar *e_lrange(gchar *input_string, gint starting_at);
This will return every word from input_string after the word starting_at.
A word is separated by spaces.
gchar *e_lindex(gchar *input_string, gint word_number);
This will return the word from input_string at word_number. Words are separated
by spaces.
gchar *e_lindex_delim(gchar *input_string, gint word_number, gchar *delim);
This will return the word from input_string at word_number. Words are separated
by delim.
gchar *e_config_fetch(gchar *filename, gchar *key);
This will read filename which must be created with e_config_insert functions,
look for key, and return the associated data.
gint e_config_insert(gchar *filename, gchar *key, gchar *data);
This will insert in the filename configuration file key with its associated
gint e_config_update(gchar *filename, gchar *key, gchar *data);
This will edit filename and change key and put the new data in place. If
the key doesn't exist, it will try to add it. Note that filename must exist
prior to use.
GtkWidget *e_tree_create(GtkWidget *parent);
This function will create a root tree and put it on parent.
GtkWidget *e_tree_insert_subtree(GtkWidget *tree, gchar *name);
This will make a subtree with the label name and add it to tree. Note that
tree can be also a subtree.
GtkWidget *e_tree_insert_item(GtkWidget *tree, gchar *name, GtkSignalFunc
This will add a label to a tree or subtree and will call item_clicked when
clicked on it.
gchar *e_tree_get();
This function will return the last selected item on a tree.
gint e_image_convert(gchar *infile, gchar *outfile);
This function will convert an image file into an other format. Files
can be GIFs, JPEGs, PNGs or any other format that ImageMagick supports.
void e_image_display(gchar *filename);
This function will display filename in its own window, by ImageMagick. I
suggest you use IMlib if at all possible since it gives you more control
over your image.
GtkWidget *e_pixmap_create(char *xpm_data[], GdkWindow *window);
This will create a pixmap from an included .xpm file. Example:
#include <my_file.xpm>
my_pix = e_pixmap_create(my_file_xpm, window->window);
GtkWidget *e_button_create_with_pixmap(GtkWidget *parent, GtkWidget *icon,
GtkSignalFunc button_clicked);
This function will create a button with a pixmap on it. It will put no
label, only pixmap. When clicked, the button will call button_clicked.
Icon can be createdwith e_icon_create or e_pixmap_create().
GtkWidget *e_event_create(GtkWidget *parent, gint size_x, gint size_y,
GtkSignalFunc area_clicked);
This function will create an event box with the specified size, and rulers.
When the area is clicked on, area_clicked will be called. Due to the way
this is implemented, only one event box should be used at a time.
gint e_event_get_x();
This returns the X position of the latest click on an event box.
gint e_event_get_y();
This returns the Y position of the latest click on an event box.
GtkWidget *e_query_create(gchar *title, gchar *message, GtkSignalFunc ok_clicked,
GtkSignalFunc cancel_clicked);
This function will create a query box with the specified message and an
entry box, and 2 buttons.
gchar *e_query_get(GtkWidget *query);
This will return the entry from the specified query box.
E_Wizard *e_wizard_create(gchar *title, GtkWidget *icon, gchar *text, gint
entry_box, GtkSignalFunc prev_button, GtkSignalFunc next_button,
GtkSignalFunc cancel_button);
This will create a wizard like window with an icon, a text box and, if
entry_box is TRUE, an entry box.
void e_editor_create(E_Editor *editor);
This will create a simple editor.
What the future holds
Version 1.1x
The goals for version 1.1 of EasyGTK will be to improve on the current
functions, add new GTK, IMLIB and ImageMagick functions.
Version 2.0
Version 2.0 is still far ahead, but it may be interesting to convert EasyGTK
into EasyGUI which could also create QT or Motif code.