C++ template support$Header: /cvs/projects/SWIG/Examples/java/template/Attic/index.html,v 2001/08/23 09:56:48 cheetah Exp $This example illustrates how C++ templates can be used from Java using SWIG. The C++ CodeLets take a templated function and a templated class as follows:The %addmethods is used for a neater interface from Java as the functions get and set use C++ references to primitive types. These are tricky to use from Java as they end up as a pointer in Java (Java long)./* File : example.h */ // Some template definitions template The SWIG interfaceA simple SWIG interface for this can be built by simply grabbing the header file like this:Note that SWIG parses the templated function max and templated class vector and so knows about them. However to generate code for use from Java, SWIG has to be told which class/type to use as the template parameter. The SWIG directive %template is used for this./* File : example.i */ %module example %{ #include "example.h" %} /* Let's just grab the original header file here */ %include "example.h" /* Now instantiate some specific template declarations */ %template(maxint) max A sample Java programClick here to see a Java program that calls the C++ functions from Java.NotesUse templated classes just like you would any other SWIG generated Java class. Use the classnames specified by the %template directive.vecdouble dv = new vecdouble(1000); dv.setitem(i, 12.34)); |