Promela Reference -- labels(3)





label - to identify a unique control state in a proctype declaration.

name : stmnt

Any statement or control-flow construct can be preceded by label. The label can, but need not, be used as a destination of a goto or in a remote reference inside a never claim. Label-names must be unique within the surrounding proctype , trace , or never claim declaration.

A label always prefixes a statement, and thereby uniquely identifies a control state in a transition system, i.e., the source state of the transition that corresponds to the labeled statement.

Multiple labels on a single statement are allowed.

The following proctype declaration translates into a transition system with precisely three local process states: initial state S1 , state S2 in between the send and the receive, and the (unreachable and unlabeled) final state immediately following the repetition construct.

active proctype dijkstra()


S1:	do

	:: q!p ->

S2:		q?v

	:: true


/* S3 */


The state labeled S1 has two outgoing transitions: one corresponding to the send statement q!p , and one corresponding to the conditional statement true . Observe carefully that there is no separate control state at the start of each guard in a selection or repetition construct.

A labelname can be any alphanumeric character-string that satisfies the same requirements as an identifier (i.e., it may not start with a digit or an underscore).

Remember that the guards from a selection or repetition construct cannot be prefixed by labels individually. See if(3) for details.

accept(2), progress(2), end(2), goto(3), remoterefs(5).

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(Page Updated: 16 December 1997)