#include <slp.h>
SLPError SLPReg( SLPHandle
const char* srvurl,
unsigned short lifetime,
const char* srvtype,
const char* attrs,
SLPBoolean fresh,
SLPRegReport callback,
void* cookie )
Registers the URL in srvurl having the lifetime lifetime
with the attribute list in attrs. The attrs list is a
comma separated list of attribute assignments in the wire format (including
escaping of reserved characters). The lifetime parameter must
be nonzero and less than or equal to SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM.
If the fresh flag is SLP_TRUE, then the registration
is new (the SLP protocol FRESH flag is set) and the registration replaces
any existing registrations. The srvtype parameter is a service
type name and can be included for service URLs that are not in the service:
scheme. If the URL is in the service: scheme, the srvtype parameter
is ignored. If the fresh flag is SLP_FALSE, then an existing registration
is updated. Registrations and updates take place in the language locale
of the hslp handle.
hslp |
The language specific SLPHandle on which to register
the service. |
srvurl |
The service URL to register. May not be the empty string.
May not be NULL. Must conform to SLP Service URL syntax. SLP_INVALID_REGISTRATION
will be returned if srvurl is not a SLP Service URL. See Syntax
for more information on Service URL syntax. |
lifetime |
An unsigned short giving the lifetime of the service in seconds.
The value must be an unsigned integer less than or equal to SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM
and greater than zero. If lifetime is set to SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM,
it will remain registered for the life of the calling process. |
srvtype |
This parameter is always ignored because the Service URL syntax
required for the srvurl parameter encapsulates the service-type.
See Syntax for more information on Service URL
syntax. |
attrs |
A list of attribute assignment expressions for the attributes of the
registered service. Use the empty string, "" for no attributes.
Example: "(attr1=val1),(attr2=val2),(attr3=val3)" |
fresh |
An SLPBoolean that is SLP_TRUE if the registration
is new or SLP_FALSE for a re-registration. Currently, OpenSLP
does not support incremental registrations. If fresh is
will return SLP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. |
callback |
The address of an SLPRegReport
function that will be called to report the operation completion status.
Man not be NULL. See Callbacks for more information
on how callbacks are used by the SLPAPI. |
cookie |
Pointer to memory that gets passed to the callback code.
May be NULL. |
Indicates that the no error occurred during the operation. |
The deregistered service url does not conform to valid service url
syntax. The service url being deregistered is not registered this
means that either it was never registered via a call to SLPReg() or that
the registration lifetime has expired. SLP_INVALID_REGISTRATION
is commonly returned when an attempt is made to deregister a service that
was registered by a call to SLPReg() on a different host. |
The SLP message was rejected by a remote SLP agent. The API returns
this error only when no information was retrieved, and at least one SA
or DA indicated a protocol error. The data supplied through the API may
be malformed or a may have been damaged in transit. |
If the SLP framework supports authentication, this error arises when
the UA or SA failed to send an authenticator for requests or registrations. |
If the SLP framework supports authentication, this error arises when
a authentication on an SLP message failed. |
When no reply can be obtained in the time specified by the configured
timeout interval for a unicast request, this error is returned. In
other words, slpd is running, but something is wrong with it |
If the network cannot initialize properly, this error is returned.
Will also be returned if an SA or DA agent (slpd) can not be contacted.
slpd must be running in order to call SLPReg() or SLPDereg(). |
Out of memory error |
If a parameter passed into a function is bad, this error is returned. |
The failure of networking during normal operations causes this error
to be returned. In OpenSLP, this is the error you'll get if an underlying
socket() call failed. |
A basic failure of the API causes this error to be returned. This occurs
when a system call or library fails. The operation could not recover. |
Callback functions are not permitted to recursively call into the API
on the same SLPHandle, either directly or indirectly. If an attempt is
made to do so, this error is returned from the called API function. |
Be aware, especially if the call is async, of error codes that may be
passed to the SLPRegReport() callback function.
OpenSLP 0.8.0 |
Fully implemented as specified by RFC 2614 |
See Also
SLPDeReg(), Syntax,
Example Code
#include <slp.h>
void MySLPRegReport(SLPHandle hslp, SLPError errcode, void* cookie)
/* return the error code in the cookie */
*(SLPError*)cookie = errcode;
/* You could do something else here like print
out */
/* the errcode, etc. Remember, as a general
rule, */
/* do not try to do too much in a callback because
/* it is being executed by the same thread that
is */
/* reading slp packets from the wire.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
SLPError err;
SLPError callbackerr;
SLPHandle hslp;
err = SLPOpen("en",SLP_FALSE,&hslp);
if(err != SLP_OK)
printf("Error opening
slp handle %i\n",err);
return err;
/* Register a service with SLP */
err = SLPReg( hslp,
&callbackerr );
/* err may contain an error code that occurred
as the slp library */
/* _prepared_ to make the call.
if(( err != SLP_OK) || (callbackerr != SLP_OK))
printf("Error registering
service with slp %i\n",err);
return err;
/* callbackerr may contain an error code (that
was assigned through */
/* the callback cookie) that occurred as slp
packets were sent on */
/* the wire */
if( callbackerr != SLP_OK)
printf("Error registering
service with slp %i\n",callbackerr);
return callbackerr;
/* Now that we're done using slp, close the slp
handle */
/* rest of program */