
Module Cryptokit.Block

module Block: sig  end
The Block module provides classes that implements popular block ciphers, chaining modes, and wrapping of a block cipher as a general transform or as a hash function. The classes can be composed in a Lego-like fashion, facilitating the integration of new block ciphers, modes, etc.

class type block_cipher = object  end
Abstract interface for a block cipher.

Deriving transforms and hashes from block ciphers

class cipher : block_cipher -> Cryptokit.transform
Wraps a block cipher as a general transform.
class cipher_padded_encrypt : Cryptokit.Padding.scheme ->
block_cipher -> Cryptokit.transform
Like Cryptokit.Block.cipher, but performs padding on the input data as specified by the first argument.
class cipher_padded_decrypt : Cryptokit.Padding.scheme ->
block_cipher -> Cryptokit.transform
Like Cryptokit.Block.cipher, but removes padding on the output data as specified by the first argument.
class mac : ?iv:string ->
?pad:Cryptokit.Padding.scheme ->
block_cipher -> Cryptokit.hash
Build a MAC (keyed hash function) from the given block cipher.
class mac_final_triple : ?iv:string ->
?pad:Cryptokit.Padding.scheme ->
block_cipher ->
block_cipher ->
block_cipher -> Cryptokit.hash
Build a MAC (keyed hash function) from the given block ciphers c1, c2 and c3.

Some block ciphers: AES, DES, triple DES

class aes_encrypt : string -> block_cipher
The AES block cipher, in encryption mode.
class aes_decrypt : string -> block_cipher
The AES block cipher, in decryption mode.
class des_encrypt : string -> block_cipher
The DES block cipher, in encryption mode.
class des_decrypt : string -> block_cipher
The DES block cipher, in decryption mode.
class triple_des_encrypt : string -> block_cipher
The Triple-DES block cipher, in encryption mode.
class triple_des_decrypt : string -> block_cipher
The Triple-DES block cipher, in decryption mode.

Chaining modes

class cbc_encrypt : ?iv:string -> block_cipher -> block_cipher
Add Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) to the given block cipher in encryption mode.
class cbc_decrypt : ?iv:string -> block_cipher -> block_cipher
Add Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) to the given block cipher in decryption mode.
class cfb_encrypt : ?iv:string ->
int -> block_cipher -> block_cipher
Add Cipher Feedback Block (CFB) to the given block cipher in encryption mode.
class cfb_decrypt : ?iv:string ->
int -> block_cipher -> block_cipher
Add Cipher Feedback Block (CFB) to the given block cipher in decryption mode.
class ofb : ?iv:string ->
int -> block_cipher -> block_cipher
Add Output Feedback Block (OFB) to the given block cipher.