: Class Sets

Class Sets




public abstract class Sets
extends java.lang.Object

This class implements extension functions in the http://exslt.org/sets namespace.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static NodeEnumeration difference(Context c, NodeEnumeration p1, NodeEnumeration p2)
          Return the difference of two node-sets
static NodeEnumeration distinct(Context c, NodeEnumeration in)
          Given a node-set, return a subset that includes only nodes with distinct string-values
static boolean hasSameNode(Context c, NodeEnumeration p1, NodeEnumeration p2)
          Determine whether two node-sets contain at least one node in common
static NodeEnumeration intersection(Context c, NodeEnumeration p1, NodeEnumeration p2)
          Return the intersection of two node-sets
static NodeSetValue leading(Context c, NodeEnumeration ns1, NodeEnumeration ns2)
          Find all the nodes in ns1 that are before the first node in ns2.
static NodeSetValue trailing(Context c, NodeEnumeration ns1, NodeEnumeration ns2)
          Find all the nodes in ns1 that are after the first node in ns2.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Sets()
Method Detail


public static NodeEnumeration intersection(Context c,
                                           NodeEnumeration p1,
                                           NodeEnumeration p2)
                                    throws XPathException
Return the intersection of two node-sets
p1 - The first node-set
p2 - The second node-set
A node-set containing all nodes that are in both p1 and p2


public static NodeEnumeration difference(Context c,
                                         NodeEnumeration p1,
                                         NodeEnumeration p2)
                                  throws XPathException
Return the difference of two node-sets
p1 - The first node-set
p2 - The second node-set
A node-set containing all nodes that are in p1 and not in p2


public static boolean hasSameNode(Context c,
                                  NodeEnumeration p1,
                                  NodeEnumeration p2)
                           throws XPathException
Determine whether two node-sets contain at least one node in common
p1 - The first node-set
p2 - The second node-set
true if p1 and p2 contain at least one node in common (i.e. if the intersection is not empty)


public static NodeEnumeration distinct(Context c,
                                       NodeEnumeration in)
                                throws XPathException
Given a node-set, return a subset that includes only nodes with distinct string-values


public static NodeSetValue leading(Context c,
                                   NodeEnumeration ns1,
                                   NodeEnumeration ns2)
                            throws XPathException
Find all the nodes in ns1 that are before the first node in ns2. Return empty set if ns2 is empty,


public static NodeSetValue trailing(Context c,
                                    NodeEnumeration ns1,
                                    NodeEnumeration ns2)
                             throws XPathException
Find all the nodes in ns1 that are after the first node in ns2. Return empty set if ns2 is empty,