b) All libraries you need are part of the Fop distribution and
to see, how Fop can be invoked easily. These libraries are included:
An XML parser which supports SAX and DOM like
An XSLT processor (Xalan is included)
Starting FOP as an standalone application
-d debug mode
-x dump configuration settings
-q quiet mode
-l lang the language to use for user information
infile xsl:fo input file (the same as the next)
-fo infile xsl:fo input file
-xsl stylesheet xslt stylesheet
outfile input will be rendered as pdf file into outfile
-pdf outfile input will be rendered as pdf file (outfile req'd)
-awt input will be displayed on screen
-mif outfile input will be rendered as mif file (outfile req'd)
-pcl outfile input will be rendered as pcl file (outfile req'd)
-txt outfile input will be rendered as text file (outfile req'd)
-svg outfile input will be rendered as an svg slides file (outfile req'd)
-at outfile representation of area tree as XML (outfile req'd)
-print input file will be rendered and sent to the printer
see options with "-print help"
Fop foo.fo foo.pdf
Fop -fo foo.fo -pdf foo.pdf (does the same as the previous line)
Fop foo.fo -mif foo.mif
Fop foo.fo -print or Fop -print foo.fo
Fop foo.fo -awt