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6. Residue properties

There are 18 parameters defining the Residue properties plot, as follows:-

6. Residue properties
1 2 3    < Which 3 main graphs to be printed (see Note 1 for full list)
Y     <- Background shading on main graphs (Y/N)?
2.0   <- Number of standard deviations for highlighting
Y     <- Show shading representing estimated accessibility (Y/N)?
N     <- Produce a COLOUR PostScript file (Y/N)?
WHITE        <- Background colour
CREAM        <- Background shading on main graphs
PURPLE       <- Colour of histogram bars on main graphs
RED          <- Colour of highlighted histogram bars
BLUE         <- Minimum accessibility colour (buried regions)
WHITE        <- Maximum accessibility colour
RED          <- Region 0: Disallowed
PINK         <- Region 1: Generous
GREEN        <- Region 2: Allowed
SKY BLUE     <- Region 3: Most favourable, core, region
YELLOW       <- Colour for favourable G-factor scores
RED          <- Colour for unfavourable G-factor scores
YELLOW       <- Colour for schematic of the secondary structure

Description of options:-

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