<!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- File: $Id: blog.mrc,v 1.2 2002/05/04 04:57:23 ehood Exp $ Author: Earl Hood <earl@earlhood.com> Description: MHonArc, <http://www.mhonarc.org/>, resource file to generate a "blogger"-style archive. I.e. All messages are displayed on a single page. Dependencies: For things to work, server-side includes must be enabled for .shtml files in the directory the archive will exist. --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Sort messages by date. --> <Sort> <!-- We do not care for threading here. --> <NoThread> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Main Index Page --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Make sure main index page has proper extension for SSI. --> <IdxFname> index.shtml </IdxFname> <!-- We define beginning markup to include style definitions. --> <IdxPgBegin> <!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <title>$IDXTITLE$</title> </head> <style type="text/css"> .msg_subject { border-color: black; border-style: solid; border-width: thin; color: white; background-color: gray; font-weight: bold; padding-bottom: 0em; margin-bottom: 0.25em; } .msg_fields { font-size: 0.9em; font-style: italic; margin: 0em 0em 0em 0em; padding: 0em 0em 0em 1em; } </style> <body> <h1>$IDXTITLE$</h1> </IdxPgBegin> <!-- The index listing will just be a list of SSI directives. --> <ListBegin> </ListBegin> <LiTemplate> <!--#include virtual="$MSG$" --> </LiTemplate> <ListEnd> </ListEnd> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- Message Page --> <!-- ================================================================== --> <!-- For message pages, we remove any <html>, et. al. markup since they will not be stand-alone documents but included by the index page. --> <!-- Disable follow-up/references section. This is probably a matter of personal preference, If enabled, the FOLUPLITXT and REFSLITXT resources will need to be modified to have relative links to messages. --> <NoFolRefs> <!-- Make sure message-id links (e.g. in-reply-to, references) are relative since all messages are on the same page. --> <MsgIdLink> <a href="#$MSGNUM$">$MSGID$</a> </MsgIdLink> <!-- Clear out beginning markup. --> <MsgPgBegin> </MsgPgBegin> <TopLinks> </TopLinks> <!-- This will be are physical separator for messages. --> <SubjectHeader> <h3 class="msg_subject"><a name="$MSGNUM$">$SUBJECTNA$</a></h3> <p class="msg_fields"> <b>Date:</b> $MSGLOCALDATE$<br> <b>From:</b> $FROM$ </p> </SubjectHeader> <!-- Only display a very minimal message header. We already rolled a mini-header in SUBJECTHEADER, so we only include any additional fields that cannot be referenced via resource variables. We make the style the same as the mini-header above. --> <FieldsBeg> <p class="msg_fields"> </FieldsBeg> <LabelBeg> <b> </LabelBeg> <LabelEnd> :</b> </LabelEnd> <FldBeg> </FldBeg> <FldEnd> <br> </FldEnd> <FieldsEnd> </p> </FieldsEnd> <FieldOrder> in-reply-to references </FieldOrder> <HeadBodySep> </HeadBodySep> <!-- Clear out ending markup. --> <MsgBodyEnd> </MsgBodyEnd> <BotLinks> </BotLinks> <MsgPgEnd> </MsgPgEnd> |