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retawq Documentation Rarely Asked Questions :-)
- Q: How do you pronounce "retawq"?
A: Roughly like "re-talk".
- Q: There are already soo many web
browsers out there - why did you create another one?
A: True, there are already many browsers.
But most of them are too big, too slow or too uncomfortable in my opinion, or
they just crash twice per hour or have bad privacy and security problems. I
wanted to see whether it's possible to develop something better. :-)
- Q: What a strange name - "retawq"... What
does that mean?
A: Read it backwards, imagine that "q" is
an abbreviation for "quick" and consider that a web browser is as important for
netizens as water is for real human beings. :-)
This documentation file is part of version 0.1.4 of retawq, a network client created by
Arne Thomaßen. retawq is basically released under
certain versions of the GNU General Public License and WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Arne Thomaßen.