MIBView provides accessing method for MIB information.
Class Methods:
- new(obj_name)
Return a MIBView instance corresponding with obj_name string.
- child_list()
Return successor nodes. If no successors found in MIB, return nil.
- parent()
Return a predesessor node. If no node found in MIB, return nil.
- description()
Return a DESCRIPTION part of the object. If no description found, return nil.
- label
Return a label part of he object.
- oid
Return an array of integers as OID.
- type
Return an integer as type identifier. See SNMP modules's constants.
- access
Return an integer as access status of the object. See SNMP modules's constants.
- status
Return an integer as implementation status of the object. See SNMP modules's constants.
- ranges
Return an array of ranges (a range is also array formed [low, high]), if exists. Otherwise, return nil.
- enums
Return a hash for enumeration mapping, if exists. (i.e., h[symbol_str] = int_value ). Otherwise, return nil.
- indexes
Return an array of string corresponding with table's indexes, if exists.
Otherwise, return nil.
- walk ruby_block
Execute ruby_block with MIBView instances under it.
- m1==m2, m1!=m2, m1< m2, m1> m2, m1<=m2, m1>=m2
Compare MIBView class instances. m1< m2 means that m2 has extended oids sequence of m1.(i.e., MIBView.new 'iso' < MIBView.new any_object)
Nobuhiko Tsuruoka
Last modified: Mon Jul 10 19:10:37 JST 2000