SNMP::Session provides methods communicating with SNMP agents.
Super Class:
Class Methods:
- open(host_name, community)
Create a SNMP instance. 'hostname' is a name of
agent's host. 'community' is SNMPv1 community string.
- close()
Close and free an SNMPSession instance.
- get([obj_name_1, obj_name_2, .., obj_name_n])
Request SNMP GET message for SNMP objects obj_name_1, ..,
obj_name_n. The argument must be represnted as an
array of strings. It returns an array of SNMPVAR instances.
- getnext([obj_name_1, obj_name_2, .., obj_name_n])
Request SNMP GETNEXT message for SNMP objects obj_name_1, ..,
obj_name_n. The argument must be represented as an array of strings.
It returns an array of SNMPVAR instances.
- walk([obj_name_1, .. ,obj_name_n]) ruby_block
Do SNMP walk. It evaluates a ruby_block with an array of SNMPVAR
instances. It terminates when a return value of the SNMP getnext
reuest is outside of a given object's OID.
- community!(new_community)
Change community string defined by open method.
- timeout!(timeout_sec)
Change default timeout setting (sec). Default timeout is 5 sec.
- retries!(number_of_retry)
Change default retries setting. Default retries number is 2.
Nobuhiko Tsuruoka
Last modified: Thu Jul 6 18:30:01 JST 2000