Next: About this document ...
Up: Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling
Previous: Bibliography
- -drawing argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -help argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -maxdrawing argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -priv_cmap argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -projdir argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -version argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -toEPS argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -toFig argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -toPNG argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -toPS argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -cell argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- -table argument
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- psf script
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- text2ps program
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- tcm.conf file
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- MANPATH variable
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- PATH variable
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- PRINTER variable
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- TCM_HOME variable
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
- 10.21 Why won't TCM ``
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- $TCM_HOME/bin/
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- Abort
- creating edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- move shapes
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- pasting
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- resizing node
- 3.7 Resizing Shapes
- Accelerator
- 2.1.2 Menu bar.
- Action
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- initialization
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- 5.1.3 Transitions, Events and
- Action state
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Activity diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.2 The Activity Diagram
| 9.2.3 Activity diagrams (TATD)
- Actor
- 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- actor type
- ClassBox
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- StickMan
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Add character
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Add columns
- 7.1.6 Adding Rows and
- Add edge handle
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Add line handle
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Add rows
- 7.1.6 Adding Rows and
- Aggregation
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Aggregation node
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.12 In what programming
- Align nodes
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Alignment
- column
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- row
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- All four sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Alphabetical sorting
- 7.1.9 Sorting Rows and
- And-line
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- And-state
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.6.2 And-states
- Annotate Cell
- 7.1.13 Miscellaneous Commands
- Annotate Node or Edge
- 3.12 Miscellaneous Edit Commands
- Annotation
- Node/Edge or cell
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Append diagram
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Append table
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Architectural view editors
- 6. Architectural View Editors
- Arguments
- command line
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- Arrow buttons
- 2.1.13 Arrow Buttons.
- Arrow keys
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Assertions
- 10.39 What do these
- Association entity type link
- 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Association link
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Attribute
- Attributes
| Attributes
| Classes
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- File format
- 11.2 Elements of a
- Autoresizing
- 2.1.10 Autoresizing.
| 2.6 Viewing Documents
| 7.1.3 Editing Text
- Backspace key
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 10.37 Why doesn't the
- Banner page
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- Behavior view editors
- 5. Behavior View Editors
- Bezier curve
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Bidirectional data flow
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Binary association
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Binary relationship
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| Binary relationships
| Binary relationships
- Bottom sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Bounding box
- 10.24 How can I
- Box type
- change
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- Buffer
- cell text paste
- 7.1.5 Cutting and Pasting
- subject paste
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- Bugs
- 10.41 I found a
- Built-in constraint
- 3.1 Definitions
- Business area
- 7.5 The Function-Entity type
- C++
- 10.12 In what programming
| 10.12 In what programming
- Cardinality constraint
- Cardinality constraints
- Cardinality constraints
- 4.1.2 Cardinality Constraints and
- Cardinality property
- Cardinality properties
- Cartesian product
- Relationships of higher
| Relationships of higher
- Case sensitive
- find
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Cell
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Cell area
- select
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Cell text
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Change actor type
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Change box type
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- Check button
- 2.1.1 Tiled buttons.
- Check document
- 3.1 Definitions
- Check document syntax
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Choice operator
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Class
- 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
| 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| Classes
- Class link
- 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
- Class-relationship diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.3 The Class-Relationship Diagram
| 9.3.2 Class-Relationship Diagrams (TCRD)
- Clipboard
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Code generation
- 10.29 Do you have
- Collaboration diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.5 The Collaboration Diagram
| 9.2.5 Collaboration diagrams (TCBD)
- Colors
- fewer TCM
- 10.19 Why does TCM
- Column
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Column alignment
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- default
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Column label
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Column section
- Column sections
- Columns
- adding
- 7.1.6 Adding Rows and
- deleting
- 7.1.7 Deleting Rows and
- moving
- 7.1.8 Moving Rows and
- resizing
- 7.1.10 Resizing Rows and
- selecting
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- sorting
- 7.1.9 Sorting Rows and
- Comment
- 3.5 Editing Text
- Component
- 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
| 6.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.6.1 Nodes and Edges
| Relationships
- Component diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.5 The Component Diagram
| 9.2.6 Component diagrams (TCPD)
- Component function
- 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
- Components
- Relationships of higher
| Relationships of higher
- Composition
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Compound process
- Hierarchical DFDs
- Conceptual model
- 1.1.1 The Purpose of
- Condition
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Configuration
- 10.17 How can I
- Connection end
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Connection start
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Consistency checks
- 10.26 Are there plans
- Consistency rules
- 1.1.3 Using TCM in
- Constraint
- 3.1 Definitions
- built-in
- 3.1 Definitions
- immediately enforced
- 3.1 Definitions
- soft
- 3.1 Definitions
- Continuous data flow
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Continuous event flow
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Continuous flow
- Time-Discrete and time-continuous
- Control flow
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Control process
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| Control processes
- Controlled data stream
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Controlled data stream connections
- 9.3.5 System Network Diagrams
- Controlprocess
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Convert From/To Curves
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Convert Node Shape Type
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Coordinates
- 2.1.3 Drawing area.
- Copy cell text
- 7.1.4 Copying and Moving
- Copy cell texts
- 7.1.5 Cutting and Pasting
- Copy subjects
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- Copy text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Copyright
- 10.11 What are the
- see Class-relationship diagram
- Create edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Create new document
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Create node
- 3.2 Creating Nodes
- Create/edit index
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
- CRUD string
- 7.5 The Function-Entity type
- CRUD table
- 9.3.7 Transaction Decomposition Tables
- Cursor position
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
- Curved edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Cut cell texts
- 7.1.5 Cutting and Pasting
- Cut subjects
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- Cut text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
| 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.16 Does TCM run
- Data and event flow diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.2 The Data and
| 9.1.2 Data and Event
- Data flow
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| The components of
- bidirectional
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
- merging
- 6.1.5 Splitting and Merging
- splitting
- 6.1.5 Splitting and Merging
- Data flow diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.1 The Data Flow
| 9.3.3 Data Flow Diagrams
- Data process
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Data store
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| The components of
- Data stream
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 9.3.5 System Network Diagrams
- Data view editors
- 4. Data View Editors
- De-select all cells
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- De-select cell
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- De-select column
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- De-select row
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Decision
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Decision point
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
- Decision points
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Decision pseudostate
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Decomposition
- data flow diagram
- 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
- Default column width
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Default Fill Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default Line Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default Line Width
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default Properties
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default row height
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Default state
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Default Text Alignment
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default Text Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Default Text Font
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 3.11 Changing Shape Properties
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Delete
- 3.8 Deleting Subjects
- Delete All
- 3.8 Deleting Subjects
- Delete all characters
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Delete character
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Delete columns
- 7.1.7 Deleting Rows and
- Delete duplicate node
- 3.10 Creating and Deleting
- Delete key
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Delete rows
- 7.1.7 Deleting Rows and
- Dependency
- 6.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Deployment diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.6 The Deployment Diagram
| 9.2.7 Deployment diagrams (TDPD)
- Dewey numbering
- Hierarchical DFDs
- see Data flow diagram
- Diagram
- activity
- 5.2 The Activity Diagram
- class-relationship
- 4.3 The Class-Relationship Diagram
- collaboration
- 5.5 The Collaboration Diagram
- component
- 6.5 The Component Diagram
- data and event flow
- 6.2 The Data and
- data flow
- 6.1 The Data Flow
- deployment
- 6.6 The Deployment Diagram
- entity-relationship
- 4.1 The classic Entity-Relationship
| 4.2 The Entity-Relationship Diagram
- generic
- 3.14 The Generic Diagram
- process structure
- 5.3 The Process Structure
- recursive process graph
- 5.4 The Recursive Process
- state transition
- 5.1 The State Transition
- statechart
- 5.6 The StateChart Diagram
- Static structure
- 4.4 The Static Structure
- system network
- 6.3 The System Network
- 3.1 Definitions
- use case
- 6.4 The Use Case
- Dialog
- find text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Diamond representation
- Relationship
- Relationships of higher
| Relationships of higher
- Directory
- 2.1.8 Directory.
- change project
- 2.3 Changing the Project
- Discrete flow
- Time-Discrete and time-continuous
- DOC++
- 10.15 Did you use
- Document
- annotation
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Hierarchy
- 3.1 Definitions
- Document annotation
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Document hierarchy
- 2.1.12 Hierarchic document.
- Document Info
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Include
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Document menu
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Document Name
- 2.1.5 Document name.
| 2.2 Changing the Document
- Document section
- Document section
- Document source
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Document type
- 2.1.4 Document Type.
- Double box
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- Drag and drop
- 10.30 Is it possible
- Drawing area
- 2.1.3 Drawing area.
- Duplicate node
- 3.10 Creating and Deleting
- Edge
- 3.1 Definitions
- add handle
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- create
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- curved
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- redirect
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- remove handle
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- segmented
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- straight
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Edge sections
- Edge sections
- Edge type
- 3.1 Definitions
- Edit mode
- 8.2 Edit and View
- Editable graph
- tree as
- 8.2 Edit and View
- Editing
- cancel
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- in-line
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- out-line
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- start
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- stop
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Editing text
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- diagram
- 3.5 Editing Text
- table
- 7.1.3 Editing Text
- see Data and event flow diagram
- Empty edge
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
| 4.2.4 Taxonomic Structures
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Encapsulated PostScript
- 10.24 How can I
- End points
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- End state
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Entity type
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| Entity types
| Entity types
- Entity-relationship diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.1 The classic Entity-Relationship
| 4.2 The Entity-Relationship Diagram
| 9.1.1 Entity-Relationship Diagrams (TESD)
- Entity-relationship diagram (classic)
- 9.3.1 Classic Entity-Relationship Diagrams
- Environment
- 1.4 Installation and Getting
- Environment variables
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- see Entity-Relationship Diagram
- Escape key
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
- see Entity-Relationship Diagram
- Event
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- 5.1.3 Transitions, Events and
- Event flow
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| Event flows
- Event store
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Exclusive-OR mode
- 10.36 Why are there
- Export
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- External entity
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| The components of
- External function
- 9.1.6 Function Refinement Trees
- Field
- File format
- 11.2 Elements of a
- File
- append from
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- load from
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Save selection to
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- save to
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- File format
- 10.31 What file formats
- 11. TCM File format
- File menu
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- File selection dialog
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Fill Color
- Default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Final state
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Find
- 2.11 The Search Menu
| 7.1.13 Miscellaneous Commands
- Find all
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 3.12 Miscellaneous Edit Commands
- Find next
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 3.12 Miscellaneous Edit Commands
- Find text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Flow
- time continuous
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- time discrete
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Forked tree
- 8.2 Edit and View
| 10.35 How can I
- Format
- Output
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 10. Frequently Asked Questions
- Function
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- component
- 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
- Function decomposition tree
- 8.4 The Function Refinement
- Function refinement tree
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 8.4 The Function Refinement
- Function-entity type table
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.5 The Function-Entity type
| 9.1.5 Function-Entity Type Tables
- Generalization
- 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
| Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Generalization junction
- 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Generalization node
- 4.2.4 Taxonomic Structures
- Generic diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 3.14 The Generic Diagram
- Generic edge
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Generic node
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Generic table
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.2 The Generic Table
- Generic textual tree
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 8.3 The Generic Textual
- Ghostview
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Graph
- 3.1 Definitions
- Hierarchy
- 3.1 Definitions
- Graphical user interface
- 1.4.6 Graphical User Interface
- Grid
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
| 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Grid menu
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Grid size
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Guard
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Handle
- 3.2 Creating Nodes
- Help
- 2.13 On-line Help
- Help menu
- 2.13 On-line Help
- Hierarchic Document
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- Hierarchical DFD
- Hierarchical DFDs
- Hierarchy
- 2.1.12 Hierarchic document.
| 3.1 Definitions
- Horizontal synchronization bar
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Horizontal synchronization pseudostate
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- 10.7 Is TCM available
- Immediately enforced constraint
- 3.1 Definitions
- In-line editing
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- In-line editor
- 2.1.11 In-line editor.
| 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Inactive state
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Include Document Info
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Index
- data process
- 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
- Indexes
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Renumber
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Initial action
- 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Initial node
- 9.3.6 Recursive Process Graphs
- Initial state
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Installation
- 1.4 Installation and Getting
- 10.3 How do I
- Interface
- 6.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Intermediate points
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.12 In what programming
- Is-a hierarchy
- 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
- Is-a relationship
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
| 4.2.4 Taxonomic Structures
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- Is-a relationships
- Is-a relationships
- Iteration operator
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Java
- 10.16 Does TCM run
| 10.16 Does TCM run
- see Jackson System Development method
| 9.3.4 Process Structure Diagrams
- Key code
- 10.37 Why doesn't the
- Label
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- Landscape
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- LaTeX
- 10.24 How can I
- Layout
- 10.34 How can I
- Left sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- LessTif
- 10.8 What to do
- Leveled
- data flow diagram
- 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
| 10.25 Is it possible
- Leveled DFD
- Hierarchical DFDs
- Library
- 10.21 Why won't TCM ``
- License
- 10.11 What are the
- Line
- add handle
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- And-
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- remove handle
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Line Color
- Default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Line end
- Line sections
- Line Ends
- Update
- 3.11 Changing Shape Properties
- Line piece
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Line sections
- Line sections
- Line Style
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- default
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Line Width
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Link
- 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
- Linux
- 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.12 In what programming
- Lite clue widget
- 10.15 Did you use
- Load
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- from file
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Main root
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- Main tree
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- Make Larger
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Make Smaller
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Margin height
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Margin width
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Mealy
- see State transition diagram (Mealy)
- Mealy machine
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
- Menu accelerator
- 2.1.2 Menu bar.
- Menu bar
- 2.1.2 Menu bar.
- Mini-tutorial
- 9. Mini-tutorial on Notation
- Minispec
- 6.1.4 Minispecs
- Mode classes
- Is-a relationships
- Mode junction
- 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.4 Taxonomic Structures
| Is-a relationships
- Mode specialization
- 4.3.4 Taxonomic Structures
- Modified
- 2.1.6 Modified.
- Motif
- 1.4.6 Graphical User Interface
| 10.8 What to do
| 10.8 What to do
| 10.14 Why is Motif
- Mouse operations
- 2.1.3 Drawing area.
- Move cell selection
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Move cell text
- 7.1.4 Copying and Moving
- Move columns
- 7.1.8 Moving Rows and
- Move edge label
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Move edit cursor
- 2.5.2 The In-line Text
| 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Move handle of line end point
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Move intermediate line handle
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Move node shape
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Move rows
- 7.1.8 Moving Rows and
- Move selection
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- N-ary association
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Name
- document
- 2.2 Changing the Document
- New
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Node
- 3.1 Definitions
- create
- 3.2 Creating Nodes
- duplicate
- 3.10 Creating and Deleting
- process graph
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Node (UML)
- 6.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Node sections
- Node sections
- Node shape sections
- Node shape sections
- Node shape type
- Convert
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Update
- 5.2.2 States
- Node type
- 3.1 Definitions
- Normal scale
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Notation Techniques
- 9. Mini-tutorial on Notation
- Number of columns
- default
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Number of copies
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Number of rows
- default
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Object
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Object link
- 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.5.1 Nodes and Edges
- Objects
- 4.4.3 Objects
- On-line help
- 2.13 On-line Help
- One-one function
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Open Document
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Open Motif
- 10.8 What to do
- Operation
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- OSF/Motif
- 1.4.6 Graphical User Interface
- Out-line editing
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- Page boundary
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Page menu
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Page numbers
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Page orientation
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Page section
- Page section
- Page size
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Participant link
- 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Partition
- Specialization
- Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- Paste box
- 7.1.5 Cutting and Pasting
- Paste cell texts
- 7.1.5 Cutting and Pasting
- Paste subjects
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- Paste text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Perl
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- Pixels
- black
- 10.36 Why are there
- Point distance
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Point snapping
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Porting TCM
- 10.10 How can I
- Portrait
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- PostScript
- 10.23 How can I
- Encapsulated
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Premature termination
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Preview
- showing
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Preview command
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Primitive data process
- 6.1.4 Minispecs
- Print
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 2.7 Printing Documents
| 10.23 How can I
- Print banner page options
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print colors
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print command
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print default banner page
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print duplex pages
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print menu
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print no banner page
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print TCM banner page
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Print tumbled pages
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Printer name
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Printer Properties
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Printer queue
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Printer queue command
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Printer remove command
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- Process
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Compound
- Hierarchical DFDs
- control
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- The components of
- Primitive
- Hierarchical DFDs
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Process decomposition
- 10.25 Is it possible
- Process graph
- 5.4 The Recursive Process
- Process graph event
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Process graph node
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Process graph root
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Process operator
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- Process structure diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.3 The Process Structure
| 9.3.4 Process Structure Diagrams
- Process tree
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- Project directory
- 2.3 Changing the Project
| 2.3 Changing the Project
- Prompt
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Properties menu
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- see Process structure diagram
- Pseudostate
- decision
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- horizontal synchronization
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- vertical synchronization
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Purge
- 7.1.7 Deleting Rows and
- Purify
- 10.15 Did you use
- Quit
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Radio button
- 2.1.1 Tiled buttons.
- Read direction arrow
- 4.2.3 Read direction arrows
- Realization relationship
- 6.5.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- Recursive process graph
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.4 The Recursive Process
| 9.3.6 Recursive Process Graphs
- Redirect edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
| 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Redo
- diagram editor
- 3.13 Undo and Redo
- table editor
- 7.1.11 Undo and Redo
- Refresh
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Relationship
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| Relationships
- higher arity
- Relationships of higher
| Relationships of higher
- Relationship class
- 4.3.2 Classes and Relationships
- Remove edge handle
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Remove line handle
- 3.6 Moving Shapes
- Renumber indexes
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
- Replace
- 2.11 The Search Menu
| 7.1.13 Miscellaneous Commands
- Replace all
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 3.12 Miscellaneous Edit Commands
- Replace next
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
| 3.12 Miscellaneous Edit Commands
- Replace text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Representation
- 3.1 Definitions
- Resize column
- 7.1.10 Resizing Rows and
- Resize node shape
- 3.7 Resizing Shapes
- Resize row
- 7.1.10 Resizing Rows and
- Resources
- X
- 10.18 Can I set
- Right sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Role name
- Cardinality properties
| Cardinality constraints
- Role names
- 4.1.2 Cardinality Constraints and
- Root
- process graph
- 5.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- tree
- 8.2 Edit and View
- Row
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Row alignment
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- default
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Row label
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- Row section
- Row sections
- Rows
- adding
- 7.1.6 Adding Rows and
- deleting
- 7.1.7 Deleting Rows and
- moving
- 7.1.8 Moving Rows and
- resizing
- 7.1.10 Resizing Rows and
- selecting
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- sorting
- 7.1.9 Sorting Rows and
- see Recursive process graph
- Same Size
- 3.7 Resizing Shapes
- Save
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- to file
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Save As
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Save Selection As
- 2.4 Loading and Saving
- Scale (value)
- 2.1.9 Scale value.
- Scale factor
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Scale menu
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Scale percentage
- 2.8 The Scaler
| 2.8 The Scaler
- Scale section
- Scale section
- Scroll bar
- 2.1.3 Drawing area.
- Section
- File format
- 11.2 Elements of a
- Segmented edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Select all cells
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Select all shapes
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- Select cell
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Select cell area
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- Select part of diagram
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- Select shape
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- Select text
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Selection
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- add cell to
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- add column to
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- add row to
- 7.1.2 Selection Commands
- add shape to
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- empty shape
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- remove shape from
- 3.4 Selection Commands
- Selection handle
- 3.2 Creating Nodes
- Separator line
- 5.1.3 Transitions, Events and
- Sequence diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Sequence operator
- 5.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Set/Unset Text Underlining
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Shape
- 3.1 Definitions
- Shared library
- 10.21 Why won't TCM ``
- Show grid
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- Show index
- 6.1.3 Data Flow Diagram
- Show indexes
- 3.14.1 Nodes and Edges
- Show Is-a Only
- 4.2.4 Taxonomic Structures
- Show ISA Hierarchy
- 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
- Show page boundary
- 2.9 The Page Layout
- Show preview
- 2.7 Printing Documents
- slider dialog
- 2.8 The Scaler
- SN Process
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- see System network diagram
- Soft constraint
- 3.1 Definitions
- Solaris
- 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.12 In what programming
- Sort columns
- 7.1.9 Sorting Rows and
- Sort rows
- 7.1.9 Sorting Rows and
- Source code
- 10.9 Can I obtain
- Specialization
- Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- Covering
- Is-a relationships
- Disjoint
- Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- dynamic
- 4.3.4 Taxonomic Structures
| Is-a relationships
- Exhaustive
- Is-a relationships
- static
- 4.3.4 Taxonomic Structures
| Is-a relationships
- Specialization groups
- Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- Split-merge node
- 6.1.2 Nodes and Edges
| 6.1.5 Splitting and Merging
| 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Start state
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Starting
- 10.4 How do I
- Startup program
- 1.4.4 Starting up
- State
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
| 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- action
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- And-
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.6.2 And-states
- default
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- end
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- final
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- inactive
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- initial
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
- start
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- State transition diagram
- 5.1 The State Transition
| 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- State transition diagram (Mealy)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- State vector
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- State vector connection
- 9.3.5 System Network Diagrams
- Statechart diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.6 The StateChart Diagram
| 9.2.4 Statechart diagrams (TSCD)
- Static Structure diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.4 The Static Structure
| 9.2.2 Static structure diagrams
- Status area
- 2.1.7 Status area.
- see State transition diagram (Mealy)
- Storage section
- Storage section
- Straight edge
- 3.3 Creating Edges
- Subject
- 3.1 Definitions
- Subjects
- copy
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- cut
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- delete
- 3.8 Deleting Subjects
- paste
- 3.9 Cutting and Pasting
- Suffix
- document name
- 2.2 Changing the Document
- SunOS
- 10.7 Is TCM available
| 10.12 In what programming
- Surrounding sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Synchronization bar
- horizontal
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- vertical
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Synchronization pseudostate
- horizontal
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- vertical
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- System network diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.3 The System Network
| 9.3.5 System Network Diagrams
- System network process
- 6.3.1 Nodes and Edges
- Table
- 7.1.1 Definitions
- function-entity type
- 7.5 The Function-Entity type
- generic
- 7.2 The Generic Table
- transaction decomposition
- 7.3 The Transaction Decomposition
- transaction-use
- 7.4 The Transaction-Use Table
- Table file format
- 11.5 Table Editor File
- Table section
- Table section
- see Tool for Activity Diagrams
- Taxonomic structure
- 4.3.4 Taxonomic Structures
- 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
- 4.2.4 Taxonomic Structures
- 4.4.4 Taxonomic Structures
- Taxonomy junction
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 4.1.3 Taxonomic Structures
| 4.3.1 Nodes and Edges
| Is-a relationships
| Is-a relationships
- see Tool for Collaboration Diagrams
- see Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling
| 10.1 What is TCM?
- startup program
- 1.4.4 Starting up
- TCM File format
- 11. TCM File format
- TCMJava
- 10.16 Does TCM run
| 10.16 Does TCM run
- see Tool for Component Diagrams
- see Tool for Class-Relationship Diagrams
- see Tool for Data Flow Diagrams
- see Tool for Deployment Diagrams
- Tea pot
- 10.38 Why does TCM
- see Tool for Data and Event Flow Diagrams
- see Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams
- see Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams
- Text Alignment
- default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Text Color
- Default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Text edit dialogs
- 2.5.3 The Text Edit
- Text editing
- 2.5.1 Editing Text in
- diagram
- 3.5 Editing Text
- table
- 7.1.3 Editing Text
- Text Font
- Default
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 3.11 Changing Shape Properties
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Text margin height
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Text margin width
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Text Underlining
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Text view dialog
- 2.12 Checking and Annotating
- see Tool for Function-Entity type Tables
- see Tool for Function Refinement Trees
- see Tool for Generic Diagrams
- see Tool for Generic Tables
- Tiled buttons
- 2.1.1 Tiled buttons.
- Tool for Activity Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.2 The Activity Diagram
- Tool for Class-Relationship Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.3 The Class-Relationship Diagram
- Tool for Collaboration Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.5 The Collaboration Diagram
- Tool for Component Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.5 The Component Diagram
- Tool for Data and Event Flow Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.2 The Data and
- Tool for Data Flow Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.1 The Data Flow
- Tool for Deployment Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.6 The Deployment Diagram
- Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.1 The classic Entity-Relationship
| 4.2 The Entity-Relationship Diagram
- Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams (classic)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Entity-Relationship Diagrams (UML)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Function Refinement Trees
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 8.4 The Function Refinement
| 9.1.6 Function Refinement Trees
- Tool for Function-Entity type Tables
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.5 The Function-Entity type
- Tool for Generic Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 3.14 The Generic Diagram
- Tool for Generic Tables
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.2 The Generic Table
| 8.3 The Generic Textual
- Tool for Generic Textual Trees
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Process Structure Diagrams
- 5.3 The Process Structure
- Tool for Process Structure Diagrams (JSD)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Recursive Process Graphs
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.4 The Recursive Process
- Tool for Sequence Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for State Transition Diagrams
- 5.1 The State Transition
- Tool for State Transition Diagrams (Mealy)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Statechart Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 5.6 The StateChart Diagram
- Tool for Static Structure Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 4.4 The Static Structure
- Tool for System Network Diagrams
- 6.3 The System Network
- Tool for System Network Diagrams (JSD)
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Transaction Decomposition Tables
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.3 The Transaction Decomposition
- Tool for Transaction-Use Table
- 1.1.2 What is Included
- Tool for Transaction-Use Tables
- 7.4 The Transaction-Use Table
- Tool for Use Case Diagrams
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.4 The Use Case
- Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling
- 1.1.1 The Purpose of
- Top sides
- update
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- see Tool for Process Structure Diagrams (JSD)
- Transaction
- 9.3.7 Transaction Decomposition Tables
- Transaction decomposition table
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.3 The Transaction Decomposition
| 9.3.7 Transaction Decomposition Tables
- Transaction-use table
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 7.4 The Transaction-Use Table
| 9.1.4 Transaction-Use Tables (TTUT)
- Transition
- 5.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| 5.1.3 Transitions, Events and
| 5.2.3 Transitions
| 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
| 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Transitory state
- 5.1.2 States
- Tree
- editing
- 8.1 Editing Trees
- forked
- 8.2 Edit and View
- function refinement
- 8.4 The Function Refinement
- generic textual
- 8.3 The Generic Textual
- Trigger
- 6.2.1 Nodes and Edges
| 9.1.3 State Transition Diagrams
- Triple box
- 4.3.3 Attributes and Operations
- see Tool for Recursive Process Graphs
- see Tool for Statechart Diagrams
- see Tool for System Network Diagrams (JSD)
- see Tool for Sequence Diagrams
- see Tool for Static Structure Diagrams
- see Tool for State Transition Diagrams (Mealy)
- see Tool for Transaction Decomposition Tables
- see Tool for Generic Textual Trees
- see Tool for Transaction-Use Tables
- see Tool for Use Case Diagrams
- Undo
- diagram editor
- 3.13 Undo and Redo
- table editor
- 7.1.11 Undo and Redo
- Unix environment
- 1.4 Installation and Getting
- Update column alignment
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update Fill Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update Line Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update Line Ends
- 3.11 Changing Shape Properties
- Update Line Style
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update Line Width
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update Node Shape Type
- 5.2.2 States
- Update row alignment
- 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Update Sequence Labels
- 5.3.2 The Process Tree
- Update Text Alignment
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update Text Color
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
- Update Text Font
- 2.10 The Properties Menu
| 7.1.12 Changing Properties of
- Use Case
- 6.4.1 Nodes and Edges
- Use Case diagram
- 1.1.2 What is Included
| 6.4 The Use Case
| 9.2.1 Use case diagrams
- User Configuration file
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
| 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- User manual
- 10.5 Where can I
- Value type
- 4.1.1 Nodes and Edges
| Value types
- Variables
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
- Version
- File format
- 11.1 Introduction
- Vertical synchronization bar
- 5.2.1 Nodes and Edges
- Vertical synchronization pseudostate
- 5.6.1 Nodes and Edges
- View as forked tree
- 8.2 Edit and View
- View menu
- 2.6 Viewing Documents
- View mode
- 8.2 Edit and View
- View section
- View sections
- Whole Drawing
- 2.8 The Scaler
- Windows
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
| 10.16 Does TCM run
- X errors
- 10.20 Why does TCM
- X Resources
- 1.4.5 Unix options, files
| 10.18 Can I set
- xor mode
- 10.36 Why are there
- xrdb
- 10.18 Can I set
Henk van de Zandschulp