

Alt Design
Classes overview
Properties classes

Property parsing

Compound properties
User agent refs

fo.Properties and the nested properties classes

Nested property and        top-level classes

Nested property classes

Given the intention that individual properties have only a virtual instantiation in the arrays of PropertyConsts, these classes are intended to remain as repositories of static data and methods. The name of each property is entered in the PropNames.propertyNames array of Strings, and each has a unique integer constant defined, corresponding to the offset of the property name in that array.

Fields common to all classes
  • final int dataTypes -
  • This field defines the allowable data types which may be assigned to the property. The value is chosen from the data type constants defined in Properties, and may consist of more than one of those constants, bit-ORed together.
  • final int traitMapping -
  • This field defines the mapping of properties to traits in the Area tree. The value is chosen from the trait mapping constants defined in Properties, and may consist of more than one of those constants, bit-ORed together.
  • final int initialValueType -
  • This field defines the data type of the initial value assigned to the property. The value is chosen from the initial value type constants defined in Properties.
  • final int inherited -
  • This field defines the kind of inheritance applicable to the property. The value is chosen from the inheritance constants defined in Properties.

    Datatype dependent fields
  • Enumeration types -
  • final String[] enums
    This array contains the NCName text values of the enumeration. In the current implementation, it always contains a null value at enum[0].

    final String[] enumValues
    When the number of enumeration values is small, enumValues is a reference to the enums array.

    final HashMap enumValues
    When the number of enumeration values is larger, enumValues is a HashMap statically initialized to contain the integer constant values corresponding to each text value, indexed by the text value.

    final int enumeration-constants
    A unique integer constant is defined for each of the possible enumeration values.

  • Many types: final datatype initialValue -
  • When the initial datatype does not have an implicit initial value (as, for example, does type AUTO) the initial value for the property is assigned to this field. The type of this field will vary according to the initialValueType field.
  • AUTO: PropertyValueList auto(property, list)> -
  • When AUTO is a legal value type, the auto() method must be defined in the property class.
  • COMPLEX: PropertyValueList complex(property, list)> -
  • COMPLEX is specified as a value type when complex conditions apply to the selection of a value type, or when lists of values are acceptable. To process and validate such a property value assignment, the complex() method must be defined in the property class.

    Nested property pseudo-classes

    The property pseudo-classes are classes, like ColorCommon which contain values, particularly enums, which are common to a number of actual properties.

    Previous: property classes overview.

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