: Class Document
Class Document
public class Document extends Function
Methods inherited from class com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
containsReferences , enumerate , evaluateAsBoolean , evaluateAsNodeSet , evaluateAsNumber , evaluateAsString , getStaticContext , indent , isContextDocumentNodeSet , make , outputStringValue , setStaticContext , usesCurrent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
public Document ()
public java.lang.String getName ()
Description copied from class: Function
Get the name of the function.
This method must be implemented in all subclasses.
Overrides: getName
in class Function
Following copied from class: com.icl.saxon.expr.Function
Returns: the name of the function, as used in XSL expressions, but excluding
its namespace prefix
public int getDataType ()
Determine the data type of the expression
Overrides: getDataType
in class Expression
Returns: Value.NODESET
public Expression simplify ()
throws XPathException
Simplify and validate.
Overrides: simplify
in class Expression
Following copied from class: com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
Returns: the simplified expression
public Value evaluate (Context c)
throws XPathException
evaluate() handles evaluation of the function
Overrides: evaluate
in class Expression
Following copied from class: com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
Parameters: context
- The context in which the expression is to be evaluatedReturns: the value of the expression, evaluated in the current context
public NodeSetValue getDocuments (Value arg0,
NodeSetValue arg1,
java.lang.String styleSheetURL,
Context context)
throws XPathException
getDocuments() evaluates the function.
Parameters: arg0
- The value of the first argumentarg1
- The value of the second argument, if there is one; otherwise nullstyleSheetURL
- The URI of the node in the stylesheet containing the expression.
Needed only when the first argument is not a nodeset and the second argument is omitted.context
- The evaluation contextReturns: a NodeSetValue containing the root nodes of the selected documents (or element
nodes if the URI references contain fragment identifiers)
public int getDependencies ()
Determine which aspects of the context the expression depends on. The result is
a bitwise-or'ed value composed from constants such as Context.VARIABLES and
Overrides: getDependencies
in class Expression
public Expression reduce (int dep,
Context context)
throws XPathException
Remove dependencies.
Overrides: reduce
in class Expression
Following copied from class: com.icl.saxon.expr.Expression
Parameters: dependencies
- The dependencies to be removed, e.g. Context.VARIABLEScontext
- The context to be used for the partial evaluationReturns: a new expression (or Value) that does not have any of the specified dependencies